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cheeryo's Articles In Current Events
February 3, 2005 by cheeryo
At present, NATO has no clue as to which direction it is moving. Trying to bring together NATO maritime forces to patrol and conduct maritime searches is not high their list. FM Maritime terrorism has emerged as a formidable threat in the world, targeting both civilian and naval vessels in NATO’s area of operations. The threat is compounded by the use of maritime vessels and shipping lanes by criminals who are often in league with terrorists. With the possibility that weap...
January 6, 2005 by cheeryo
What a man!! I voted for him!! FM Every year offers a fine wide range of candidates for “Man of the Year” – even election years. Possible nods could have gone to President George W. Bush, for winning an unprecedented mandate without compromising his position on the War on Terror, or to Gen. Tommy Franks for retiring from honorable service to his country yet standing by his men in the public square. Senator Zell Miller put...
January 6, 2005 by cheeryo
The militant group Islamic Army in Iraq posted a statement on the Internet on Jan. 3 threatening to launch terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Although this is the first time in nearly a year that any credible Islamist militants have directly threatened to carry out attacks within the United States -- "Azzam the American" aside -- Stratfor believes the group likely is incapable of following up on its threats. Speeches by Osama bin Laden himself most recently have focused on threatening tho...
January 6, 2005 by cheeryo
A world without the U.S. would be a sorrier world indeed, especially when leadership in humanitarian causes is needed.\NewsStand\Columnists\Toronto\Peter_Worthington\2005\01\0 3\806494.html Whenever and wherever disaster strikes on the globe, the U.S. responds immediately with relief and medical supplies as they have in Asia, writes Peter Worthington By PETER WORTHINGTON -- For the Toronto Sun Thank goodness for the Americans. What would this wor...
January 6, 2005 by cheeryo
Peter Brookes, who I believe was former Navy intel, echoes many of the concerns voiced here over Sino-Russia relations. The more I think about it, with oil production & profits now returned to the government in Russia (and its Chinese partners in Yukos) there is a tremendous opportunity for arbitrage in favor of the Chinese and Russian. The problems at Yukos contributed to a steep increase in oil prices. With state control of oil, high oil prices benefits the Russia government...
January 6, 2005 by cheeryo
By Ryan Mauro There is no doubt that the Soviet Union played a tremendous role in the expansion and evolution of Islamic terrorism. Many of the people responsible for the policy of promoting fundamentalist miliancy still hold key positions in Russia. People can accept the fact that there are "anti-Bush" cliques inside the CIA and State Department, and the fact that there are "pro-Bin Laden" cliques in the Pakistani military ISI. Yet, for some strange reason, they cannot accept the f...
January 6, 2005 by cheeryo
When addressing the terrorist problem we, the US, seem to be very self-centered, as if were the only ones on the terrorist hit list. It may come naturally, but as we account for all of the terrorist acts committed against the United States, we tend to forget how many others are also suffering terrorist attacks, Russia, Germany, France, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India comes to mind, and the list goes on. One of my correspondents wrote, "Indeed! We tend to ignore those because they ...
January 6, 2005 by cheeryo
Doubts about the Terror War have taken the strangest forms of late. Many who are against the war in Iraq and critical of the War on Terror have begun using a favorite tool of fiscal conservatives to question military and homeland security expenditures. And it would seem to be a clever and plausible move (albeit a little hypocritical). In short, critics are asking whether we should spend so much money on the military and homeland security. Is it overkill -- or more aptly, perhaps, ov...
December 22, 2004 by cheeryo
Excellent article to get the juices flowing. Would like to see what folks think about these analysis. FM Dr. John Gagnon, NMIA, MICA, IAFIE, Diplomate & Fellow ABP Military Intelligence Consultant CHANGES IN ISLAMIC THINKING TO THE MODERN AGE Global terrorism sprouted and thrived in the strongholds of radical Islam. Islamic scholar Bernard Lewis, in "The Roots of Moslem Rage," explains the rise of Islamic radicalism and the increasing hatred of the West as a response to...
December 17, 2004 by cheeryo
Enjoyed this article. Don't need to add comments as it speaks for itself. FM December 17, 2004 God's Fury (weekly column) Not long after 9/11, pundits and politicians, along with Muslim apologists and their useful idiots on the left, all got down to the business of informing us that when 3,000 Americans were killed in a hellish conflagration, it wasn't because of Islam. Alternative causes offered were: our close ...
December 17, 2004 by cheeryo
Iran and Syria........ See previous comments as Syria is now part of the target countries..... FM General: Iraqi Insurgents Directed From Syria By Thomas E. Ricks Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, December 17, 2004; Page A29 A top Army general said yesterday that the Iraqi insurgency was being run in part by former senior Iraqi Baath Party officials operating in Syria who call themselves the "New Regio...
December 17, 2004 by cheeryo THE NETWORK OF TERRORIST FINANCING By Matthew Levitt, a former FBI counterterrorism intelligence analyst, is senior fellow in terrorism studies at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy in Washington D.C . The following is an edited version of Matthew Levitt's testimony before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on International Finance, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, August 1, 2002. Mr. Levitt is t...
December 17, 2004 by cheeryo
Key players are fleeing for the private sector and other agencies in droves, even as the bureau struggles to meet post-9/11 standards. Why??? Because of the money!! The govt is out-sourcing almost everything area of intel and analysis. Why should we make minimum when we can take a contractor job and make much more. The vendor then sells us back to the govt and we end up doing the same task/job. The only difference is that we don't get benefits and health..... In the long run, it is che...
December 17, 2004 by cheeryo
Not only could it be, it is...... FM,+10 :30+AM Iranian 'Sputnik' Could Be Trojan Horse for Tehran's Ballistic Missile Program, Aviation Week & Space Technology Reports NEW YORK, Nov. 28 /PRNewswire/ -- Aviation Week & Space Technology reports in its November 29 issue that U. S. intelligence analysts are concerned about the planned launch from Iran,...
December 17, 2004 by cheeryo
Interesting article from a guy who teaches political science at Tehran University. But, the fact remains that Iran is pursuing WMD and we are in Iraq for the duration. Iran is playing terrorist supporter and even recruiter. I personally think that "W" is trying hard to keep Iran on the radar scope but his advisors realize that we can't handle another front. NK is on-hold as they are isolated from Russia, China, and SK/US. Iran is now the front-runner for supporting terrorism. Syria is a...